WWCF 2022

World Water Cities Forum 2019

WWCF 2022World Water Cities Forum 2019

5 September 2019
Room 325, 323A and 323B, EXCO, Daegu, Republic Of Korea
Water Cities Cooperation and lnnovation
Daegu Metropolitan City
Government Officials, Water Specialists and Academics from 12 Cities in 10 Countries and 5 Organizations
  • Keynote Speech Protection of Water Quality And Human Health
  • Presentation Session 1 Water SeCurity
  • Presentation Session 2 Water Welfare
  • Action Plan Discussion & Declaration
As a gathering Of city/province leaders and water professionals, the WWCF 2019 served as a platfOrm fOr networking and sharing solutions as participants lively shared their own city/prov nce's innovative water technologles and skllls to manage water in a sustainable manner. Representatives Of cities and provlnces have shared their Own experiences and s이utions to each clty/province's water challenges. By sharing information, cities and provinces could develop preemptive policies/plans for better urban water solution. Furthermore, Daegu, Montpellier Metrop이e, DYETEC and Aqua-Valley signed MOU for better water industry cooperation and networking. AII representatives agree to work together to develop a stronger connection to UN Sustainable Development GoaIS (SDGS), continue C이laboration and communication throughout the year after each WWCF, promote exchange Of ideas through technical, political, and business development pathways, and create a platform for exchanging ideas, information, and resources digitally.